Found a cool little mod for this awesome pedal
AniModule Gate_Mod Schematics and Code Posted :)
Finally got’em up 🙂
M1xXOR Schematics Posted
Slipped in the M1xXOR schematics for those with an inclination toward tinkering.
Cool Mod on the TrAniModule, Cleans Speaker Out and more?
Haha had a feeling if I tinkered with the TrAniModule I could increase performance.
I was hoping that I could Clean up the Speaker Out AND Increase output… so far I only managed to clean up the Speaker Out.
I disconnected the IRF510 transistor leg from Ground and connected it to -12V via a 48 Ohm 5 Watt resistor.
I need to home in on the bias trim, but my gut is telling me it might be alright if I connect the 1 Meg resistor to Ground because i have a 100K trimmer attached to -12V and the junction after the 47 Ohm 5 Watt resistor connected to the +12V rail and the scope is showing a Nice triangle wave when it’s around center.
Seems to be the same if I connect Speaker Ground to Ground OR -12V. gotta tinker with that.
I think that buys me a few Volts of Headroom, so I’ll be able to boost the Volume AND still get a Much cleaner signal. There is a suitable OpAmp stage that won’t affect the Mix Out or the Line Out. It’s right before the Transistor Out stage 🙂
Maybe this’ll give me some incentive to get the TrAniModule infos up here and give it a Mods page!
*Update 12/24/15
So far the mod has not increased the output. It cleaned up the Out by halving it. You can achieve the same thing by turning the Master Gain down about halfway on the circuit as it is.
Tried Increasing the Gain on the last OpAmp Output stage and just got the same distortion that it already has when you drive the Master Out at approximately the same volumes.
Oh well. Back to the drawing Board.
Aluminum Cutoff Kalimba and Contact Mics
Just fiddling around with some aluminum off-cuts from milling front panels.
Screwed them in to a piece of plywood and attached a few contact mics with some doublesided tape.
Run the contact mics in to an Inverting Mixer / Amplifier OpAmp Configuration.
The Input resistors are 1M and the Negative Feedback resistors are 4.7M.
That sets the gain for -4.7.
Didn’t test the voltage but i could hear it clearly on the speakers so it got the job done for playing around.
Got the Code up for the M1xXOR :)
I’m excited to offer the code for the AniModudle M1xXOR
Been awhile since I could post jumbled up DIY infos!
Gonna see how making a few posts goes. I may keep up but probably not, but I got this site up so what the hell.
Used to have a sprawling website that you could dig around and find goodies (haha and lots of broken links). it was a Glorious Obsolete Pig of a site that didn’t work well on Mobile and had all kinds of schematics and tutorials and previously released but currently unavailable modules and designs.
But about a year ago I changed to a sleek mobile friendly store (with lots of help from my talented brother). It’s a great site, but i miss having a place to stretch out and dig around.
Hopefully I can post some schematics and code and make a few modules in the AniModule Lineup a little more accessible and open source.
Might as well see if i can keep some kind of a blog going as well. We’ll see.